Leadership Assessment

The Elemental Inventory Leadership Assessment measures your leadership style in four key areas: Integrity; Passion; Servanthood; and, Imagination. The survey is not intended to measure your “strengths and weaknesses,” but rather to identify your natural leadership style and to see how the four elements are balanced within it. While we all have distinct gifts, talents, and personalities, the most effective leaders will be self-aware and will surround themselves with others who together create a well-balanced team.

The following questions take the form of statements about your own priorities and leadership style. For each, indicate whether that statement is true of you as you perceive yourself. For this survey, first impressions may be more helpful than well-considered answers, so feel free to go with your first impulse. After all, there are no right or wrong answers.

If you are interrupted, return to the assessment and we will pick up where you left off.